Writing inspiration: Fiction micro stories for you to read


In need of some writing inspo? Grab a cup of tea + get ready for something a bit different… fiction micro stories!

Writing inspiration fiction micro stories for you to read

Creative inspiration is all around you.


A few years ago, when feeling blah, I stumbled across the world of micro stories. Specifically, teeny tiny, science-backed stories.


Like I talk about in this Visual Poetry episode...

When inspiration doesn't come, you need to look through another filter.


Write different words.

Film things outside your norm.

Experiment with something new.

Play. Explore. Find.


When content or writing gets hard, allow yourself to play a little. Give yourself room to explore and don't worry about everything "having a purpose" for a sec.

Reboot + refresh yourself and then get back to business.


So, for something a little different, here's a few science-based micro stories for your reading and creativity-boosting pleasure.

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"Tiny plumes vibrate and tinkle, expanding into each corner and beyond. The sound is striking, if only you could hear it."

The science: In several sets of experiments, researchers expanded the size of a doughnut-shaped cloud of atoms and observed that it happened so fast that the cloud hums. This story imagines what it would be like if we could hear the universe in motion.

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"Immoveable. Unbreakable. The stuff of myths. You’ve always been described that way. No one knew you could transform."

The science: Researchers have found that when grown in extremely tiny, needle-like shapes, diamond can bend and stretch, much like rubber, and snap back to its original shape. This story personifies the diamond as a character that’s been waiting to change and grow, if only given the chance.

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"Appearances aren’t everything. She caused the seas to tremble, yet was overcome by the eight tiny warriors she nurtured within."

The science: Palaeontologists discovered part of the skeleton of a 180 million-year-old pregnant ichthyosaur with the remains of 6-8 tiny embryos between its ribs. This story looks at the possibility that a top marine predator of the time was killed by those she was trying to nurture.

(Psst. This micro story was published by Story Seed Vault.)


I hope you enjoyed these little micro stories and that it encourages you to try something new.

Who knows? You might accidentally get published/find a new hobby/spend a lovely afternoon creating fun things.

Always worth it.

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